
Posts Tagged ‘Egypt’

(KJV and NKJV Scripture)

– In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on men. – Job 4:13

Imagine how it must have been back in Bethlehem at the time of Christ’s birth.  There were no news channels to cover it, or cell phones for everyone to call family and friends – to share their joy.  There were no road maps.  The only way the wise men knew how to find the manger was by following a star – until it stood over the stable where Jesus was (Matthew 2:10).

However, Herod had spoken to these wise men before they left Jerusalem for Bethlehem.  He said he wanted to find out where the Christ child was to worship him also.  What he really desired was to have Jesus killed (Matthew 2:7-8) – but the wise men had no way of knowing this.  How could they know he was lying?  Who was going to warn them not to return to Herod?

Words from our mouths can only do so much – for we never know man’s true intentions, like Herod. Likewise, how did Joseph know how to flee with Mary and Jesus from Bethlehem into Egypt – shortly after the birth?  How was he going to find out for sure while staying there when it would be safe to go back – when Herod was really dead?

Who knew Joseph was truly afraid of returning into Israel after he did hear the news?  Herod’s son Archelaus was now ruling.  How could Joseph be certain Archelaus wasn’t desiring the same thing as his dad – to have Christ killed?  How was anyone going to tell Joseph the truth about where to go – and what he should do next?  The answer?  Four separate dreams.

The wise men were warned in a dream of God not to return to Herod (Matthew 2:12).  An angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph and told him to arise and flee into Egypt (Matthew 2:13).  When Herod died – another angel appeared – telling Joseph the news in a night dream (Matthew 2:20).  Knowing he was afraid to return – God told him in a dream to head towards Galilee (Matthew 2:22).

The Lord is always at least one step ahead of us. Knowing of evil nearby before we even see it – or even perceiving it is about to happen (Judges 20:34). We may even be taken home if He knows the evil will be too much (Isaiah 57:1).  It’s why we redeem our brief time here (Ephesians 5:16).  Still, how do we truly know how He wants us to spend it – without speculating if it’s His will or ours?

How do we hear His still small voice when this world can seem so noisy at times (1 Kings 19:12)?  How do we perceive it’s God speaking to us once – then twice (Job 33:14)?  How do we truly ever know what He wants us to do for Him – and where He wants us to go to do it – and why?  And, that it’s not just an idea or plan which seems right – but only in our own eyes (1 Chronicles 13:4, Proverbs 21:2).

When is the time most of us are the most quiet and still during any day?  Isn’t it while we are sleeping? Why wouldn’t God – just like He did with the wise men and Joseph – send us directions in our dreams? In visions of the night – when deep sleep falls upon us – when we slumber in our beds.  To open our ears and seal our instructions (Job 33:15-16).

So the Lord can withdraw us from our purposes – and direct us into His.  So He can hide pride from us – before we fall too far (Job 33:17, Proverbs 16:18). So He can keep our souls from the pit – and from perishing by the sword (Job 33:18).  This could have happened to Jesus, had Joseph listened to words from men – and had not hearkened to his visions of the night from heaven.  .

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(Scripture from the NKJV and KJV)

– In a dream, in a vision of the night – when deep sleep falls upon man in slumberings upon the bed.  Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction – that He may withdraw man from his purpose – and hide pride from man.  He keeps back his soul from the pit – and his life from perishing by the sword. – Job 33:15-18

– “These dreams go on when I close my eyes – every second of the night, I live another life.” (“These Dreams“, recorded by Heart, words and music by Martin Page, copyright 1985)

Each day, God goes by us – and we do not see Him.  The Lord passes on also – yet we don’t always perceive Him (Job 9:11). The madness of modern society can create such mind-numbing noises – it can be hard for anyone to hear God’s still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12).  Giving and sealing His instructions of what He wants us to do – and where He wants us to go – as we’re led by the Spirit (Romans 8:1-14).  Things right in His eyes – not ours (Deuteronomy 13:18, 1 Chronicles 13:4).

Quiet moments are difficult to capture in today’s world for any length of time.  How do we know then what we’re doing as believers is truly coming by God’s counsel – and not the counsel of other Christians?  Whether He has led us to do them – or if they’re just ideas out of our own minds (Numbers 16:28)?  The time most of us are the stillest each day, the longest – is during sleep.  Why wouldn’t God use this time to open our ears – so we can truly hear what He has to say (Psalm 121:4)?

Dreams and visions appeared to people throughout Scripture. In the Old Testament, God appeared to Abraham in a vision, saying “Fear not, Abraham – I am your shield and your exceeding great reward (Genesis 15:1).”  Samuel feared showing Eli a vision from the Lord – for it meant Eli could no longer purge his sins with sacrifices or offerings ever again (1 Samuel 3:10-15).  King Nebuchadnezzar‘s pride was high – and it was removed after a troubling dream came to fruition (Daniel 4:5-37).

Following the birth of Jesus in the New Testament, the wise men were warned by God in a dream they should not return to Herod – but depart into their country another way (Matthew 2:12).  As soon as they left, an angel of the Lord appeared unto Joseph – telling him to take Mary and the Christ child into Egypt until further instructions were received from above – not below. Herod was still seeking Jesus – to destroy the Son of man – and Egypt would be safe haven for a while (Matthew 2:13).

Once Herod died, another vision told Joseph it was safe to return to Israel – as those seeking Christ were dead (Matthew 2:20). A third dream warned Joseph to turn aside and go to Galilee instead of Judea – for Herod’s successor was there – and Joseph was afraid to go any further (Matthew 2:22).  All these dreams show God knows where we are, what we’re doing, how we’re feeling – and how He can tell us through them to start, stay with, or stop something – or go another way (Isaiah 30:21).

In the classic song “Sounds of Silence”, we hear: “Because a vision softly creeping, left its seeds while I was sleeping – and the vision that was planted in my brain – still remains.”  Just because we have a dream – it doesn’t always mean something good or bad is going to happen immediately.  It could take weeks or months to come to pass.  If it’s a warning from God and it’s heeded – we may not see a similar dream for a while. Unless we’re turned away from Him again (Deuteronomy 13:5).

Our dreams can free us from troubling matters of the day – even those between us and other believers.  God can give us the direction and discernment necessary in making a decision to depart from fellow brothers or sisters.  The Lord tells us to withdraw ourselves from those who walk disorderly among us – in the name of Christ (2 Thessalonians 3:6).  Or, from those who seem to be perverting the gospel (1 Timothy 6:5).  But – we are not to take these matters into our own hands (Acts 5:36-39).

Our dreams can also frighten us with troubles – to the point we’re afraid to sleep at all.  The beds and couches offering us an image of rest and comfort – perhaps after a long day at work – may not look so inviting when we’re ready to lie down (Job 7:13).  Our visions have become so vivid and terrifying – we’d rather try to stay awake – lest they come again if we go to bed (Job 7:14).  Sometimes, the dreams are so scary – we can tremble as the hair of our flesh stands on end (Job 4:13-15).

Despite their nature, we must always be careful we don’t take any dream from our deceitful hearts and minds – and make it into a false divination from above (Jeremiah 14:14, Jeremiah 17:9, Ezekiel 13:7).  God speaks exclusively about this in Jeremiah, Chapter 23, verses 9-40:  “I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in My name, saying ‘I have dreamed, I have dreamed ‘. Yes, they are prophets of the deceit of their own hearts (Jeremiah 23:25-26).”

Everything in creation is continually bare and manifest before God’s eyes (Jeremiah 23:24, Hebrews 4:13).  Maybe dreams of being naked in front of audiences – or audiences being naked in front of us – are His reminders that nothing is hid from His view. Our Father is always pursuing us and giving chase – even when we’re not with Him.  So He can catch us with His grace – before we fall too far and risk having received it in vain when Christ returns (2 Corinthians 6:1, 1 Peter 1:13, Revelation 12:10)

Dreams with no rhyme or reason may be how we see them – but how will God be qualified to judge us if He’s unaware of them (Romans 3:4)?  Maybe their primary purpose is to draw us away from our own (lead verse) – and towards His (Romans 8:28). The One against us could be God – for good reason (Romans 8:31).  If we should get so caught up in our own lust, self-will, presumption (2 Peter 2:10), and pride – maybe He’s trying to reach us through dreams – before we fall into the pit forever.

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